Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hello 2011!

I abandoned this blog long enough - I have another blog but I promise that I will still update this blog as well.. This blog is my baby... I remember the trouble searching for a perfect template for this blog.. And I finally have one, which suits my taste.. (:

FYI, I also have another blog here:

You are more than welcome to follow me there, give comments or just dropping by to say hi. I will still write on both blogs but this blog is pretty personal. I wrote my ups and downs, my life journey and what not.. And I even got some bashing from losers on Facebook for being outspoken. They read this blog and decided that they know everything about me. You don't know me. Even I don't know myself that well. So hush. Stop pretending like you do. Filthy hypocrites!

So yeah. I guess this will be my post for today. My first for year 2011.

If you have any dramas, don't bring it here. I don't like drama bitches around.

Have a good day ahead! (:


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