Monday, January 25, 2010


To be honest, I am not sure myself if I have any other higher expectations this year, well, I mean, other than getting a new job in a brand new place and environment, getting married (now this is something new :P) or taking a part time course in fashion design or applying for MBA.

I hate my life. Sometimes I feel like a loser, as I end up working in a place where I shouldn't be. I was once a pretty successful career woman. But now, I work with a 60 year old lady who thinks she knows everything just because she's older. Just because I'm young, that does not mean I don't know what I'm doing. Just because I take care of a shop, that does not mean I didn't go to college and have a diploma & a degree. Just because I think you're wrong, that does not mean I want to show off how good I am. Damn, people sometime can be so pariah.

Honestly, I have no goals in life lately. I used to have them, but not anymore. My goals were crushed when my 10 years old relationship walked out on me 3 years ago. Since then, I am simply not that motivated to do anything. Weird, eh? I don't know why I let love affected me that bad, but shit happens. I am totally over the past now, but still, I find myself still living in a misery that I created myself. *sigh* Its a misery cum comfort zone. Omai. I must be really retarded when I'd said that.

Anyways, my baby sister is getting married this Friday/Saturday. I'm really excited for her. As for me, I don't know.. I don't really know. And I don't want to know either. It sucks having people asking your "SHIMA BILA NAK KAHWIN? DAH TUA KANNN?" -__- Ingat kawin ni benda main-main ke? Main cari je laki-laki mana suka, pastu nikah? Haih.. Kalau senang macam tu, maunya I kawin 5-6 kali dah. Meh. Rimas. Benci pun ada. Tu yang kekadang malas nak balik kampung. Makcik-makcik ramai yang k-po-chi.

Okay, back to 2010.. I think I'm going to try figuring something out before June. Chances that I'll be switching into a new job is pretty high, so from what I can say, I probably will be able to cross that off my 2010's Wish List.

Yang lain-lain tu, we shall just wait and see. ;)

1 comment:

  1. babe...

    nice blog...jgn cepat mengalah dalam hidup nie...aku yakin kau boleh hadapi semua nie...wish you good luck & cepat dapat jodoh...take care...



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